In a network of lines that enlace

20-something Londoner with a tendency toward book ranting.
The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie Libriomancer - Jim C. Hines Mistress of the Art of Death  - Ariana Franklin Under The Skin - Michel Faber Adam And Eve And Pinch Me - Ruth Rendell

April Roundup

So, my aim of reading 100 books this year is starting to slip further and further away. I managed 5 this month; two brilliant pieces, two average and one I couldn’t finish. A mixed month to be sure. The highlight has to be The Blade Itself, with the second in the series high on my to read list.


Hopefully May will prove a better month for reading. I’ve decided it has to be, seeing as I’ll be turning 25 during it (hello mid-twenties, where did you come from?). Already I’ve started Life after Life, and have been hooked from page one.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed this is a good omen from the rest of the month.


As ever, if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to send them over!

Currently reading

Dangerous Women
George R.R. Martin, Gardner Dozois
Progress: 201/800 pages