In a network of lines that enlace

20-something Londoner with a tendency toward book ranting.

A good first novel

The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon

I picked up the Bone Season not knowing it was a young adult novel, so this soon raised concern. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The novel is not particularly original; the story screams of The Saga of Exiles. A strange other race that uses humans as slaves and have otherworldly powers. They are also strangely beautiful, and extremely cruel.

The novel is limiting; it is obvious the author is young and this is her first time writing. The setting is constrained to London and Oxford, the only places in her experience. There isn’t much risk in the story. It is formulaic, safe and isn’t challenging. However, the writing is wonderful. She is exceptionally talented, and can tell a story well. Paige is an interesting character, tough but with emotion. Her world, while not original and limited in setting, is interesting. As a British author, the story has far more depth than a lot of her peers, and the emphasis on history is a fantastic element.

This is worth reading, and I look forward to the second in the series. However I also look forward to what we will see from this author over the next few years; as she grows, I am sure her stories will too.

Currently reading

Dangerous Women
George R.R. Martin, Gardner Dozois
Progress: 201/800 pages